Кинорум » Dongnesaramdeul

Movie «Dongnesaramdeul» (2018) watch online

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What about Movie Dongnesaramdeul:
Criminal film "Провинциалы" will tell viewers the story of a young strong man named Ки Чхоль. Since childhood, the guy dreamed of being involved in sports, so in adult life he became a boxer. He represented South Korea, was a champion, until he got involved in a scandal. The deputy director attacked the fighter with his fists, he responded and got fired. Then the hero decides to reassess his life. He moves to a rural settlement and gets a job as a physical education teacher for girls. Not everyone in the quiet town is happy about the arrival of such a person. While the guy was walking to the institution, he managed to stop a fight between the girls. The director of the institution is happy to have met such a teacher. The comrade awaits many adventures and fights. He will have to help in solving a mysterious case.
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You can watch Dongnesaramdeul (2018) for free in good quality HD on your android phone, iphone, smart TV. The rating of this Movie Dongnesaramdeul - 6.4. Watch only on our portal without advertising and registration. Share our movie theater with your friends in social networks, we will be pleased!

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🗓 March 11, 2023 at 13:41
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